The HSE recommends that every child get 60 minutes of physical activity daily.
The children at Naul N.S are achieving this most days during the school day.
This does not include the 60 minutes designated to the weekly P.E Curriculum lessons.
We provide the children with plenty of opportunities for physical activity built into the school day.
Many of the children walk 5 or more minutes to and from school.
They have a 10 minute yard break and a 30 minute yard break.
During their playtime they are provided with P.E equipment such as balls, hula hoops, skipping ropes, chalk (to play hopscotch), elastics and footballs. This encourages the children to be active.
They love to run and play chasing games.
While waiting in line for their teachers after breaktime, the Active school leaders demonstrate exercises which each class line performs them.
Teachers often bring the children outside for laps of the yard (a movement break) in order to re-energise and get some fresh air. This helps with the children’s concentration when they return to their academic work and also exercises their bodies.
On rainy days teachers ensure that the children remain physically active by performing body conditioning exercises indoors, Fyffes fit squad, Go noodle or Just Dance).