September and October in Rang 5 and Rang 6

It has been a very busy term here in Rang 5 and Rang 6. We have been working hard on our Active school flag and everyone has been making a great effort to participate in our active lines each lunch break. 

Art Projects

The children in Fifth and Sixth have been really showing off their artist talents with all their lovely artwork.

We made some lovely autumnal prints, using only a few colours.

We made our Halloween masks over the past two weeks and although it was a very messy process, it was lots of fun!

The finished product – some very scary masks indeed!!

Our WOW Wall

Our WOW Wall is a very important feature in our classroom. The children put up their WOW work, or work that they’ve really worked hard on. The work on our WOW wall includes: certificates for, outstanding tables tests and lots of wonderful typed work. 

Blue Star Programme

This year fifth and sixth class will be taking part in the Blue Star Programme for the sixth year! This is a great way for the children to learn all about the European Union and how it works. Over the past five years we’ve had lots of fun with the programme, hopefully this year will be even better!