5th and 6th Trip to Senior Citizens

On Wednesday fifth and sixth class had a trip to the community centre to visit the senior citizens. It was great fun. After the parents dropped us  to the communily centre we went in and showed our projects on the Naul. Paddy showed us pictures of Naul, old news papers and stuff like that. After that we had tea and sconse. After we had eaten we played Bingo. It was great fun. Unfortuntely none of the fifth and sixth actually won. But Senan’s  nana and Richard’s nana won a round each. After the Bingo we had a small raffle with some selecticn boxes. Then we went back to school. We highly recommend to visit the senior citizens because we learned so much about the Naul. Senan was talking to nis grandparents after it  and they absolutely loved it! It was nice to see Senan’s nana, Richard’s nana and Ryan’s nana on the day too.

By Senan and Richard.