2nd Class Term 1

We are having a very enjoyable year together so far in 2nd class. Here is a flavour of what we have gotten up to!

We were delighted to be joined by two Grandparents who kindly gave their time to come in, speak to the class and take some of our many questions! We enjoyed hearing the stories and learning about what school was like in times past. Afterwards we sand them a song. Special word of thanks to Tom Duff and Seán Smyth for calling in!

We created pinch pots as part of our art this year. We firstly looked at designs and made rough ideas. We then used tools and techniques to make the pots and each child added their unique design!




In other news, we are working hard on our cursive handwriting, we use a few different methods of learning how to format letters, it is very enjoyable and give us a chance to show off our ideas! We like to use our Gaeilge when doing our active schools exercises, we are now experts at counting out each exercise in the line, this helps the other younger classes also as they hear the irish being spoken! Lastly we are also continuing to use ICT, we are focusing on getting our typing speed up, completing maths tasks as well as learning a few general tips and tricks on how to use the Chromebooks. ICT time is always enjoyed each week!