Autumn in 2nd class

GAA with Shane

We have been busy since our return to school. We started back GAA on Thursdays with Shane. This is a good session to practice our skills and ball work. the colder weather isn’t stopping anyone! 


Autumn Art

We painted lovely autumn trees using both brush and finger painting. look at how well they turned out!



Rugby World Cup

Being a class of avid sports fans we were all excited for the Rugby World Cup. Check out our Score table and Facts wall!


World School Milk Day Webinar

We tuned in to a webinar hosted by Agri Aware on the 27th of September. This was to discuss the production of milk from grass to glass. We also learned about the nutritional value of milk and benefits of drinking it. Pupils were fascinated to learn cows had 4 separate stomachs and can graze for up to 8 hours a day!