Playtime on the school football pitch

It is lovely that Spring is in the air. Today the children had their first big yard break on the pitch at the back of the school.        The children enjoyed the extra freedom, space and additional safety the pitch provides to run on the grass and be physically active during their play time. Enjoying […]

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Student and Teacher Team Challenge

On Wednesday 16th of March 2022 we held a Student and Teacher Challenge. We divided the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes into teams. Each team included a teacher. The aim of the challenge was to see which team scored the most basketball hoops. This was great fun!    The teachers and students were excellent […]

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Welcome back everyone from PAC!

Dear Parents.  Welcome to our first post on Naul National School new website!   Well done to everyone who has made the return to school as smooth as possible considering the current restrictions. We are all working together to make the school as safe as possible for one another.  The Parent Association Committee is the structure […]

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An Seomra Sonas

Exciting News! In addition to our existing classes, Naul National School are pleased to announce the opening of their newest class “An Seomra Sonas”. This class will cater for six children on the Autism Spectrum. It will consist of one class teacher and two special needs assistants. Each child receives both individualised and group teaching […]

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