Kindness Week 2025
– “Kindness, it costs nothing, but means everything” – There was great spirits and big smiles around the school as we celebrated Kindness week. Classes came up with individual…
Rang 5 & 6 visit to Séamus Ennis Arts Centre
Rang 5 & 6 made the short trip to the Séamus Ennis Arts Centre on Thursday 6th to experience some local history brought to life as well as trad music.
Catholic School’s Week – Grandparents Day
As part of Catholic Schools week we welcomed many Grandparents to visit the children, we asked questions about times past, sang together and learned from one another. A huge thank…
Peace Proms
The pupils from 3rd -6th ventured to the RDS on February 1st to perform in the Peace Proms with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. The sell out event was…
Advent Activities
We have been getting up to lots this Christmas! We made the short trip to Balbriggan to see Cinderella performed in The Lark Concert Hall. Rang a Trí – Rang…
Dance Workshop
The children are undertaking dance workshops every Wednesday with Logan. This covers the dance strand of the curriculum in a fun and engaging way! Very well done to all the…
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Well done to all who prepared a shoebox for this years appeal. We gathered over 30 shoeboxes! These will go to children who are less fortunate to ensure everybody has…
Happy Hallowe’en
When Witches go flying And black cats are seen, The moon laughs and whispers ‘Tis near Hallowe’en.
Maths Week 2024
Here are some of the activities pupils got up to for Maths Week 2024. From trails and exploring shapes to measuring the yard, our maths eyes were busy!