Feed The Homeless

We have members of the community who are involved in the ‘Feed the Homeless’ programme. They have out reach services, this includes engaging with homeless people on the streets, they supply them with food, tents, coats, scarfs, sleeping bags etc all of which is donated. They provide this service up to 200 people per day. […]

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Covid 19

We have taken lots of precautions to ensure safety at Naul National School. We have staggered start and finishing times and have staggered breaks. The yard has been clearly outlined to ensure pods stay apart. Groups are a metre apart in class and in senior classes the children have their own books in their individual […]

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An Seomra Sonas

Exciting News! In addition to our existing classes, Naul National School are pleased to announce the opening of their newest class “An Seomra Sonas”. This class will cater for six children on the Autism Spectrum. It will consist of one class teacher and two special needs assistants. Each child receives both individualised and group teaching […]

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