Friday Mini League

Pupils from 3rd – 6th Class are playing a mini league on Friday mornings. It was a fresh start to the day, but pupils enthusiasm meant they were warmed up in no time! Pupils were mixed between classes which they really liked, it allowed everyone to mingle and play together. This is a great opportunity […]

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September/SNA Appreciation Day Assembly

We had our first assembly of the school year. We marked SNA Appreciation Day by presenting our hard working SNA’s with a token of our appreciation. In this assembly, a number of pupils also received a September ‘Kindness Award’. A big well done to all those who have shown kindness towards everyone in this first […]

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Class split policy

class split policy (1) (1)                       Naul National School Class Split policy Rationale:  In schools such as Naul National School which do not have eight classes, it is necessary to have a mixture of straight classes and multigrade classes. This has always been the case at Naul NS. Some class groups […]

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Ocean Studies in Athas

The children in Áthas have been exploring and leanring about the ocean. We looked at sea creatures, learned about their ocean habitats and listened to the sounds they make. We expanded our vocabulary and learned lots! We also enjoyed ocean themed sensory play annd art. 

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