Wellbeing week
The children in Sonas really enjoyed Wellbeing Week. We have been doing yoga, art, baking and enjoying our relaxing reading time.
Continue ReadingThe children in Sonas really enjoyed Wellbeing Week. We have been doing yoga, art, baking and enjoying our relaxing reading time.
Continue ReadingSenior Infants had a fun week before St.Patrick’s day. They enjoyed learning new poems as Ghaeilge, learning some Irish dance steps and songs, making cards as well as having a mini parade in their classroom. They fitted alot in such as learning about St.Patrick, new Irish words about Lá fhéile Pádraig, bingo as Ghaeilge and […]
Continue ReadingThe children had lots of fun today. The whole school did the HAKA as Gaeilge and each class sang an Irish song for the school. The Irish dancers showed us their moves and everyone had a chance to copy.
Continue ReadingDia Daoibh! Bhí Rang a 3 agus Rang a 4 an-ghnóthach ag foghlaim faoin aimsir nuair a d’fhill muid ón scoil tar éis na Nollag! D’ullmhaíomar réamhaisnéisí aimsire agus chuireamar os comhair an ranga iad. D’úsáid muid frapaí chun cabhrú linn! 3rd and 4th Class were very busy after Christmas learning about the weather in Irish. […]
Continue ReadingOver the past few weeks the 5th and 6th have been helping the Senior Infants learn how to use the Chromebooks. The children in Senior Infants have learned lots of skills like how to log into the Chromebooks, how to look up maths games and work on their maths skills. They have been doing great. […]
Continue ReadingOn 25th January, as part of Catholic Schools Week, we invited grandparents to come in and tell us a little about what life was like for them as a child. We learned so much from them. Most grandparents had to walk to school, there was no technology and some grandparents didn’t even have a television […]
Continue ReadingWe are having a very enjoyable year together so far in 2nd class. Here is a flavour of what we have gotten up to! We were delighted to be joined by two Grandparents who kindly gave their time to come in, speak to the class and take some of our many questions! We enjoyed hearing […]
Continue ReadingLeinster House Visit On the 6th of December the children in 5th and 6th class got the opportunity to visit Leinster House. They were invited by Alan Farrell T.D. They got to see the Dáil and Seanad and learned some very interesting facts along the way. The 6th of December was also a very […]
Continue ReadingYesterday we held our annual Halloween Dress Up Day here in Naul N.S. All the costumes were fantastic. Well Done to everyone! We also held a cake sale. The pupils in 5th and 6th helped facilitate this and did a wonderful job. €550 was raised. Thank you to everyone for supporting! Below are photos of […]
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